Mercury Group Staffing


Frequently Asked Questions
We staff health professionals, nurses, pharmacy technicians, office and administrative support, biotechnology, light industrial and more
Opportunities are constantly updating. Call or email our team to learn about current job opening that would be a fit based on your experience, certifications and location.
(267) 762-1635 or email
Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services acts as a broker between independent professionals and organizations that request referrals of professionals satisfying specified criteria. We only engage with professionals who are established as self-employed independent contractors.
Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services acts as a referral service (or broker) to connect independent professionals with client opportunities that match their qualifications and interests. Being a 1099 independent contractor means you are self-employed. You will receive a 1099 Form reflecting the compensation you earned for the services you provided for clients referred by Mercury Group Staffing, if your earnings during the year are at least $600. You should speak with a tax or legal professional for more information about providing services as an independent contractor.

You make all decisions throughout all aspects of the referral process; it is your decision to accept, decline, or end a client engagement offered to you. You are responsible for your own tax deductions and benefits. For detailed information on how to file taxes as an independent contractor, please speak with a qualified tax accountant, tax attorney or the Internal Revenue Service at:

Mercury Group Staffing does not provide you with any benefits such as healthcare insurance, tuition reimbursement, paid vacation days or paid sick leave.
No. Registering with Mercury Group Staffing is not a guarantee that any opportunities will be available and/or offered to you.

Connect With Us

Thank you for your interest. For inquiries about our staffing services or job opportunities, feel free to contact us by phone (267) 762-1635 or email

We look forward to hearing from you

Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services acts as a referral service to connect self-employed independent contractors in the fields of behavioral healthcare, social work and education with client opportunities. You always can accept or reject any offered client opportunity at your discretion.
Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services coordinators are working for you. They are working daily to identify and source opportunities that meet your skills and interests.

You choose to accept or decline any opportunity, with no penalty for declining.
You determine the compensation rate that you will accept for your services.
You control the hours you will accept.
You determine with the client all aspects of your work relationship.
Note: Mercury Staffing Group does not make any decisions concerning your work relationship with a referred client. You and/or the client determine all terms and conditions of an engagement, including when the engagement will begin, when it will end, and all aspects of the engagement itself Mercury Staffing Group role in this regard is to serve as a communications channel.
After you have your interview and submit your application, you will be in our staffing system. You will have the opportunity to tell us when, where and what types of positions you are interested in. If and when an opportunity arises that is a match, a recruiter will contact you by phone or email. You will also be added to our email list where we send out job postings.
Yes. Only professionals who are legally eligible to work in the United States without restriction are eligible to be informed about client opportunities by Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services .This typically covers U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents (aka “Green Card holders”).

Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services will not offer client referrals to any candidate who requires visa sponsorship in order to work or has a non-immigrant visa (e.g. tourist visa, student visa). If you are unsure of your work status, please contact your local Social Security Administration office, or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for clarification.
No. You will need to submit electronically all of your resume, certifications and all other required documents based on your job and industry interests.
You are compensated by the client for which you provide your services. Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services has a weekly processing cycle for your invoices and client payments. All billable compensation information received prior to the cutoff will be processed within the week if there are no errors/discrepancies in document submissions. If received after the cutoff, processing will occur the following week.

Any errors or discrepancies may delay the process even if the compensation documents were received prior to the cutoff. Before accepting a referred opportunity, an initial hourly, flat or project rate is established. This can be negotiated and may change from contract to contract. Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services does not set a professional’s compensation rate.
No. You are never under any obligation to accept a client opportunity referred to you. By registering with Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services, you are in control of your career and business decisions. You have the freedom to accept or decline any client opportunity presented. However, in order for us to source the best fit for you, please speak with a representative to explain what type of opportunities you are interested in (or not interested in). This includes things like commute times, experience level, population type, facility type, work-life balance issues, ongoing college courses, public transportation, etc. We can factor in your preferences so that you are not bombarded with offers that do not suit your current lifestyle and goals.
Your first line of help is to contact the recruiter or coordinator serving you. They are there to help you and provide customer service. If you cannot get satisfactory support from them, you are welcome to reach out to the following emails and phone number for more assistance.
Email: Legal@Mercury Staffing Group
Email: Leadership@Mercury Staffing Group
Phone: 800-251-8501 (Legal Department)
Please call or email our team to be removed from our database. (267) 762-1635 or email

You are always free to register with multiple agencies at the same time. Mercury Group Staffing and Placement Services encourages you to do so. If you want to be registered with several different agencies, it is your right to do so and select the opportunities that suit you best.